HMS is a web base application that enables Homeowners and Hotspot organization nationwide to manage their day to day operation. This will enable organization to manage :
- Units – it can be condo unit, house & lot, lots, or even building representation
- Organization Documents – public and private documents. Ea. resolutions, circulations, user guides, memorandum, minutes of the meeting, pictures, excel, powerpoint presentation, etc.
- Events – calendar of events, include meeting link, include specific People in the organization.
- Books – manage your income and expenses, generate invoice, includes email and SMS notification reminder.
- Recurring Fees – set recurring fees for people in the organization like monthly dues and rentals.
- Network Devices – monitor uptime and speed usage of IPCamera, servers, computer, or smart devices even without a Public IP
- Vouchers – generate voucher for reselling to your clients
- E-Load – resell internet like e-loading station using EMAIL and PASSWORD
- and more as we more modules are being develop to help your daily work
People in your organization can also access this documents and books(if needed). All are stored in a secure, encrypted, and accessible to your people in the organization even when their overseas.
The best of it there is a forever free tier to small organization to manage as we know non-profit organization focus on providing services to their co-homeowners.